POWER TOOLs    9 / 15 /12 


Medium risk Tools that SOME - OTHER - people USE - 

Zynga - KNOWs who USES and MAY punish flagrant ABUSERs

any questions concerns - JUST ASK  ! !


I have no TIES to FaceBook or Zynga Inc. and this IS for individual USE & info ONLY

USE @ YOUR own risk !!



9/2012  Highly recommend - adding 

Spockholm Mafia Wars Tools: 9/1/12


( an internal one -  that blends in top left corner of  All MW's pages ) 
Chrome Installation, MUST !! use chrome web store Spockholm Toolbar install. 

takes no space and built into GAME !!

Firefox install requires Greasemonkey, then click the toolbar image to install. Mafia Wars LootLady guide



Spockholm Toolbar Training Video



GREAT ! Tool [ Bookmark- script ]  !! 

7 / 10 /12 

FB Mafia5ars Addon
9/2011 Script writer in Spain's computer broke and
FB people got him a NEW computer 10 days later --- YEAH !!!!

9/01/12 Corrected address
MWAddon is being updated HERE  http://www.mwaddon.com/home/ 
FB page - general info - 

 http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/90615  <<==== Old original version 

MAC & FireFox browser Users - NEED & MUST install Grease Monkey 1st



For those using Chrome: - Mindy - 8/2011

If - - Your add-on features wont work, or tells You that you NEED a plug-in to make it work;

Click on ITS link, then close and re-open your browser

5/12/2012 ===> I & Loot Lady (best HELPER of MW's Info) highly recommend adding 

5/2012 - - Must ALLOW - 3rd party cookies in browser's options  - ( @ least for MW's / Zynga ) 
for - Collect All Cites, Auto-banking and MW's wiper for ALLto work - ugh !! 


After Installing GO-TO MW's - any City and SEE green arrow next to city name

[ SET/Check ! YOUR options !!! ---> after Install & any AUTO - Update !!]

5/12/12 - - BEST OPTION !!! ===>> (Set "Auto-Deposit" to 5000 in ALL cities - recommended )
1000 for Chicago & London or LESS !!

** YOU "CAN" disable in Chrome / FireFox Tools / extensions / Add-ins - IF U ever want too. 


 Collect All Cities 
DO IT ! - AS SOON as - U log into MW's and 1x an hour is kewl too . 

5/2012 - - [ Turn - OFF !! checks for ANY invalid Cities  ! ]

"Gift page (short links)"

- makes and posts - YOUR Selected links as a TINYURL.com links
and Publishes to WAll & into YOUR FB notes page -

[ NOTE there IS 2 pages { NEW & OLD }  of gifts and also check Mark personal & Uncheck - hide groups ]

[ USE "reset" stored links - B4 - "GET STORED LINKS" - Daily or if 2+ players use] 

"FREE Gift Center" tab makes receiving and send gifts --->> EASY !

[  You NEED & it MAY ask U for another download for that ]


 Cleans OUT - People that QUIT MW's or
Non FB Friends that SNUCK into YOUR "My Mafia" w/o being a FB friend !!! 

always check-mark "ask b4 removing" - IT DOES MAKE ERRORS

5/2012 - - ALWAYS - check FB profile - IF NOT a player or friend - then "UnFriend" -from FB page 

If a friend - IGNORE & do NOT unfriend on the FB page --
BUT -- >> if NOT playing MW's - select -- Remove -- from Add-On wiper page ONLY !

>>> In YOUR - "MY Mafia" - YOU do HAVE - "remove Non-FB Friends" - there  too <<

( But - U do NOT know who You removed or to Block in FB if they try coming back )

Is GREAT for finding all Tiny-URL of ALL Your permanent links

Copy ALL and put in NOTEs in YOUR FB Profile
5/2012  ==>> NEVER POST Yr MW's profile and Secret ID !!! 

IT - has a "Battlefield" similar to NEW Fight screen - 

9/15/12 - ADDED 2 CLINTs photos of 2 setting pages that work BETTER !

 7/04/12 - ADDED 2 photos of 2 setting pages that worked for Me

Battlefield WHITELIST (people to ATTACK) is GREAT - IF  a BULLY is sitting on YOU or for RED BATTLES
I prefer doing Manually !!! = more SATISFACTION !!!  ==> WINKITY ! 

<< Other items - including - "Home feed Center" - I rarely - if ever used >>



7 / 2012 revised


( I USED to like - BUT EATs - stamina TOO fast ---- prefer -  MWAddon's Battlefield - NOW )

SAVES YOU Corporal Tunnel and fights for Yr ices ! 


NEW fight Screen - similiar to - MW's AddOn 's  [ Battlefield] ;

 & Brawler (not working) 

This CAN BE - Stopped sometimes @ / before re-healthing
[ GO TO - config and change Heal City - to disable / & save - to auto stop (sometimes works} ]

< If doesn't stop - KEEP save screen - displayed >
